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Survey MIRA - Teleworking in Angola - June 2020


In order to better understand the teleworking situation in Angola, MIRA carried out an online survey, listening to teleworking workers in Angola.

This survey aimed to understand the reality of teleworking, from the point of view of those who left their usual workplace and reorganised themselves to work from home.

According to the results obtained from the survey, applied to 600 individuals teleworking in Angola, we can conclude that the vast majority (82%) are satisfied with this option of working from home, namely because they have greater flexibility in their schedule, if feel more productive, have fewer expenses and achieve a better balance between personal and family life.

But not everything is positive and we cannot ignore the list of difficulties experienced in teleworking, especially due to the fact that they present different specificities from those experienced in other countries.

Angolan families are mostly large and the number of children in households is much higher than in Europe. Even households in segments with greater economic power are almost always extended families with many children. Therefore, it is not surprising that the top 5 difficulties experienced include difficulty in reconciling personal life with work, namely teleworking with children at home.

Other difficulties mentioned, and which reflect our reality, are the difficulties experienced in accessing the internet and electricity failures.


According to the results obtained, and thinking about the future, only 16% of respondents would choose to always telework. 64% would choose to telework a few days a week and spend the remaining days at work.

We can conclude that even though they value the freedom of being able to telework, respondents show that they miss the workplace, their colleagues and the interaction with them.

Apparently, in the future, free from the pandemic, a mixed option, combining some days of remote work with others at the workplace, could be a win-win solution for everyone.

Link to the news in the newspaper O MERCADO

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